Welcome to my web page. I’m Joseph Say, I live in Manvel Texas, Senate District 11 in Brazoria County. I am a native born Texan, and I have lived in the gulf coast area my entire life. I was a county delegate for Obama in 2008. I ran for Pearland ISD schooboard last year, and I have been involved in progressive politics for the last 4 years as an organizer and activist. I am co-founder of Pantsuit Republic, I served as the lead adult advisor for March for Our Lives Houston, and I am a Pearland area organizer, a member of Pearland Democrats and the Young Democrats of Brazoria County.
I believe that the future of the Democratic Party is one of inclusion, and unity. We must ensure that we elevate the voices of all of those that seek equity and inclusion in our society. As a progressive I fight for the rights of the undocumented immigrants who wish to add to the richness and diversity of American society. I believe that we must ensure that we address the critical issues of bail reform, climate change, criminal justice reform, gun violence, and healthcare.