I’d like to offer my congratulations to Jordan Todes, Susan Criss, Scott Feuless, and Kristi Baird for being elected yesterday! Just a reminder we have two more ballots that are upcoming.
I am excited to have been elected to the Rules Committee and I look forward to serving everyone in this capacity! Thank you again for your support!
Full results can be viewed here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18HIPXp9VWD5JYfNEnQ35hkRx4lL9kB1JKun86nu32cc/edit?usp=sharing
The voting guide can be viewed here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O9w_C0NkRbd6WnNluJGS2dz_VDNllXqwr3mN4Hy1-lc/edit?usp=sharing
Support tickets can be opened here: https://airtable.com/shra3LaTH7b1j1pLu?fbclid=IwAR3m97EDM6ylZc8etqNeNmo_6ZO1yMKWOodw2Xbvglny3s40Q8M8PWxXdIk
Please check your spam folder for any emails marked “CONVENTION BUSINESS” I know several emails went into my spam folder.
Make sure you use your ID that you received on the 17th.
In regards to voting, our Presidential Preference only comes into play when voting for delegate spots at the convention. When voting for committee members they do not have to have the same Presidential Preference as you do.
In order to help everyone find a centralized place to get info on all the candidates in SD11 a FB group has been setup for candidate posts. This is an unofficial group, but since we are all learning this new process on the fly, it’ll be an easy way for candidates and delegates to interact. I invite everyone to join the group if you are on FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TXSD11Candidates/ For candidates that don’t use FB, if you want to send a blurb or link to your website, let me know and I’ll make sure it gets posted! If anyone has any ideas or suggestions let me know and I’ll do what I can to help out! If anybody would like a virtual “meet the candidates” I can host one via Microsoft Teams. Again, this is all unofficial, I’m just trying to help out my fellow candidates and delegates. Have a good afternoon!